By reimagining streetlights—an often overlooked yet vital component of community safety—we aim to create brighter, stronger, and more sustainable communities. Shine on Florida recognizes businesses, communities, and leaders who share a vision of a more resilient Florida!

Days Until Hurricane Season








Streetleaf streetlight survives hurricane Milton without damage.

Neighbors gather under streetlights in neighborhoods without power.

Hurricane Resilient Infrastructure

The Shine on Florida initiative, invites utilities, municipalities, home builders, and residents to join us in making Florida a leader in climate-resilient infrastructure. By installing Streetleaf solar-powered streetlights, you’ll be recognized as a Shine On Florida community or business dedicated to the safety and comfort of your residents and customers.

What will it cost?

Check out our cost calculator to get an estimate for your project. We offer flexible purchase and service options.

Shine On Florida Communities and Businesses

Since 2019, Streetleaf has been lighting the way to a more resilient Florida with solar-powered streetlights engineered to endure Category 5 hurricane winds.

Florida Counties with Streetleaf Lights

Streetleaf Light Projects in Florida

Streetleaf Lights Under Contract in Florida

Build Strong


Florida faces annual threats from hurricanes which leave our communities struggling to rebuild. We need to focus on building strong to stay strong.


Having dependable lighting during and after a storm can increase safety for drivers, pedestrians, and workers. It deters theft in areas with power outages and aids in cleanup efforts.

Enhanced Customer Experience

Leveraging the power of technology we can proactively respond to performance anomalies and outages leading to quicker resolutions when problems do arise.

Developers & Builders

Learn how you can provide your communities with reliable, cost-effective, and hassle-free streetlighting. We install quickly with no upfront costs to you.

Utility Companies

Partner with us to meet your sustainability goals and provide a seamless customer experience as you transition to more innovative technologies.


Explore an option for expanding reliable, cost-effective, and sustainable lighting options for your community that improve quality of life.

Get Involved!

Would you like to learn more about solar-powered streetlights for your project, or you just want to support the Shine On Florida mission? Fill out the contact form to start a conversation about getting involved.

Shine On FL - Get Involved

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